
One of the springtime delights in Littleton is enjoying the colorful flowering crabapple trees. The sweep of color says winter is almost gone and it’s time to plant the garden.
All those trees that we enjoy today are not there by accident or coincidence. Many of today’s mature trees were planted by a City beautification program begun more than 40 years ago. The City Council appropriated funds to plant the colorful trees along City streets and encouraged homeowners to plant them in yards throughout the City. The result is almost 7,000 flowering trees in the community, perhaps more per capita than in any other city in Colorado.
In 2011, with the encouragement of former Mayor, Vaughn Gardinier, and in celebration of the original effort, the City selected streets with the most colorful collection of the flowering trees and drew a map of a continuous loop route through the community to showcase the beautiful color. It was designated the “Littleton Crabapple Route.” Signs were created by the City staff and placed along the Route to mark it. Utilizing a donation from the Littleton Rotary Club, trees discounted by O’Toole’s Garden Center, and volunteer labor by Boy Scout Troop 361, 30 new trees were planted along the Route.
To continue the effort, in 2012, a group of citizen volunteers created a non-profit corporation and secured IRS designation to make tax-deductible donations possible. The purpose of “Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc.” is to continue and promote the appreciation of the springtime color display of flowering crabapple trees in Littleton. It will plant additional trees each year and encourage community events that recognize Littleton’s unique beautification heritage. It will help insure that the colorful heritage left by those past Littleton community leaders continues to be available for the enjoyment of future generations.
In 2013, with contributions by 85 donations from the community, 70 flowering crabapple trees were planted along the Route including 29 trees in five Littleton parks adjacent to the Route. New street signs were installed at 20 locations to better identify the Route. In addition, the beginning of a website / Facebook page was created. Again, Boy Scouts of Troop 361 under the direction of Eagle Scout, Cole Hancock furnished the labor. The community thanks them all!
Today the Board of Directors of Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc. includes: Larry Borger (President), Charlie Blosten (Vice President), Karla Langton (Secretary), Elizabeth Brickley Beindorff, Jennifer Whiting Dawe, Dick Dugdale, Tom Gardinier, David Lorenz and Bruce Stahlman.
To make a tax-deductible donation or volunteer your support, contact the Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc. at P.O. Box 110, Littleton, CO 80160, send an email to [email protected], or call Larry Borger (303)798-8098.
All those trees that we enjoy today are not there by accident or coincidence. Many of today’s mature trees were planted by a City beautification program begun more than 40 years ago. The City Council appropriated funds to plant the colorful trees along City streets and encouraged homeowners to plant them in yards throughout the City. The result is almost 7,000 flowering trees in the community, perhaps more per capita than in any other city in Colorado.
In 2011, with the encouragement of former Mayor, Vaughn Gardinier, and in celebration of the original effort, the City selected streets with the most colorful collection of the flowering trees and drew a map of a continuous loop route through the community to showcase the beautiful color. It was designated the “Littleton Crabapple Route.” Signs were created by the City staff and placed along the Route to mark it. Utilizing a donation from the Littleton Rotary Club, trees discounted by O’Toole’s Garden Center, and volunteer labor by Boy Scout Troop 361, 30 new trees were planted along the Route.
To continue the effort, in 2012, a group of citizen volunteers created a non-profit corporation and secured IRS designation to make tax-deductible donations possible. The purpose of “Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc.” is to continue and promote the appreciation of the springtime color display of flowering crabapple trees in Littleton. It will plant additional trees each year and encourage community events that recognize Littleton’s unique beautification heritage. It will help insure that the colorful heritage left by those past Littleton community leaders continues to be available for the enjoyment of future generations.
In 2013, with contributions by 85 donations from the community, 70 flowering crabapple trees were planted along the Route including 29 trees in five Littleton parks adjacent to the Route. New street signs were installed at 20 locations to better identify the Route. In addition, the beginning of a website / Facebook page was created. Again, Boy Scouts of Troop 361 under the direction of Eagle Scout, Cole Hancock furnished the labor. The community thanks them all!
Today the Board of Directors of Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc. includes: Larry Borger (President), Charlie Blosten (Vice President), Karla Langton (Secretary), Elizabeth Brickley Beindorff, Jennifer Whiting Dawe, Dick Dugdale, Tom Gardinier, David Lorenz and Bruce Stahlman.
To make a tax-deductible donation or volunteer your support, contact the Littleton Crabapple Route, Inc. at P.O. Box 110, Littleton, CO 80160, send an email to [email protected], or call Larry Borger (303)798-8098.

Littleton's patron saint of crabapples, Vaughn Gardinier and his better half, Mary Gardinier.